Preservation Station Now Open!
Our long awaited Preservation Station has finally went live for patrons visiting on-site!
Just what IS a Preservation Station anyway? It’s a place that allows visitors to preserve or digitize their personal family collections.
If you need to preserve a physical item – document, photo, heirloom, etc. – you can ask our professional archivists for care and preservation advice. If you need archival safe supplies to help in your preservation journey, we have several different items available for purchase at various donation levels.
Alternatively, if you simply need to digitize your collection, we have new equipment to help you with various types of formats: Photographs, slides/transparencies, cassettes, etc.
Some things to note as you visit to utilize this new service:
Archival consultations and utilizing the digitization equipment are all free under general admission structure. **NOTE** Personal flash drives are NOT permitted when using our equipment. You will need to store your newly digitized files in a cloud based account of your choosing or purchase one of our SAR flash drives.
If you need archival safe supplies to preserve your family collection, we have many types of safe enclosures and supplies available with additional donation to help you accomplish your goal – such as: document/heirloom boxes, folders, photo sleeves, gloves, document protectors, negative sleeves, plastic paper clips, tissue paper, magnifying glass, photo wipes, etc.
Why did we decide to add a Preservation Station to our lineup of services? Because so many of us are inheriting large family history collections and don’t know where to start – to keep them safe or digitize them to share with family. Hopefully, we can help guide you in this area.
While this is currently an on-site only service, we will be offering virtual archival consultations via Zoom in mid-March – so be watching for this addition coming soon! Also, be watching for additional digitization equipment to appear in the coming years as we drift away from older formats.
THANK YOU! Our new Preservation Station would not be possible without the generous donations of many, including:
The SAR Friends of the Library
The SAR Georgia Ladies Auxiliary
NSSAR Young Members Committee
SAR Member: Philip E. Mitchell
SAR Member: Richard Herdon