Welcome Archives Month! Your Chance to Ask an Archivist!
While October is known for several celebrations, how many of you knew that it was also Archives Month? Here at the National SAR Library, we have two very different types of archives: The SAR Institutional Archives and the 18th Century Documents Archive. Both exist to help tell the story of the SAR and educate researchers about the American Revolution.
Today’s post also brings along the annual #AskAnArchivist Day! The Society of American Archivists holds this yearly event each October to encourage researchers and patrons to ask questions related to archival collections and care to feature the work we do around the country! Through our Facebook Page, Twistter (X) account, or through email – you can ask our Library and Archives Team anything related to our archival work here at the National Headquarters!
Some fun facts about our collections:
- The SAR Institutional Archival Collection includes items and documents that document our history – going all the way back to our beginning – and even a few years leading up to our official formation!
- Our 18th Century Archival Collection is also home to one of the largest collections of original early American/Colonial paper currency in the country!
- Our SAR Institutional Archival Collection also provides stewardship to the hundreds of SAR medals that have been donated to us over the years!
If you’d like to ask a question – just join in the national fun happening today!