Welcome to American Lineage!
Welcome one and all to our new page for for library news and content features! This page on the library website will serve as a one-stop place to get news, videos, stories, and resource features from the SAR Genealogical Research Library & Archives.
At the top of the page – under “American Lineage” – you can choose to read the latest news here, or go directly to the “Library: American Lineage” playlist located on our main SAR YouTube channel. The videos will features resources and recordings from programs we have hosted in the past. If you missed one of our Genealogy Tea Time or Case Study Caper events, you’ll find them there – along with some other short videos we’ll be producing as we feature library and archives resources.
One important feature of this page is the content related to all of American Lineage. As the library’s mission guides us to help all researchers learn more about their American heritage, we hope to feature content that will inspire visitors in all phases and timelines of their research journeys. While so many of our patrons are searching for a trail to their Patriot, we also understand that the journey begins with you and your story – which is why our library collection focuses on all of American History, and not just the Revolutionary period. Our collective American lineage is as diverse and challenging as it is beautiful. For those just beginning the journey, or for our most seasoned researchers, we hope everyone finds something useful to inspire them along the way.
As the library and archives staff work in this wonderful library each day, we naturally run across amazing stories and resources that can help researchers trace their American Lineage. Our goal is to share those discoveries with our patrons – both on-site and far away. Hopefully, as you become inspired through your research, you’ll share some stories with us. If you’d like to write a post about your discoveries, just shoot us an email at library@sar.org.
Happy researching!
SAR Library & Archives Staff